Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why Forex Trading

If you want to know why the Forex trading market is superiors to other investor options such as Equities or the futures market, then you can rest assure that you'll find the answer in this page.
The best way to clarify the advantages of the Forex market is through a real example. In 1929, the stock market collapsed, causing many people and businesses from around the world to go broke. This also happened when the high tech bubble burst. The fear of a market crash is a concern that constantly dwells in the minds of investors, both professional and beginner ones.
In the online Forex trading market, There is no way for the market to crash. If you have read about what is the Forex trading market, then you know that when you buy a certain currency, you are at the same time selling another currency. When some currencies' price false, others' price rise.
So this is the most important advantage of Forex day trading. Unlike other markets, where in some cases all traders lose money, with Forex trading there are always traders that make a profit, at any given time.

How do Forexx quotes work?

Reading a FOREX quote may seem a bit confusing at first. However, it's really quite simple if you remember two things: 1) The first currency listed first is the base currency and 2) the value of the base currency is always 1.

The US dollar is the centerpiece of the FOREX market and is normally considered the 'base' currency for quotes. In the "Majors", this includes USD/JPY, USD/CHF and USD/CAD. For these currencies and many others, quotes are expressed as a unit of $1 USD per the second currency quoted in the pair. For example, a quote of USD/JPY 110.01 means that one U.S. dollar is equal to 110.01 Japanese yen.

When the U.S. dollar is the base unit and a currency quote goes up, it means the dollar has appreciated in value and the other currency has weakened. If the USD/JPY quote we previously mentioned increases to 113.01, the dollar is stronger because it will now buy more yen than before.

The three exceptions to this rule are the British pound (GBP), the Australian dollar (AUD) and the Euro (EUR). In these cases, you might see a quote such as GBP/USD 1.7366, meaning that one British pound equals 1.7366 U.S. dollars.

In these three currency pairs, where the U.S. dollar is not the base rate, a rising quote means a weakening dollar, as it now takes more U.S. dollars to equal one pound, euro or Australian dollar.

In other words, if a currency quote goes higher, that increases the value of the base currency. A lower quote means the base currency is weakening.

Currency pairs that do not involve the U.S. dollar are called cross currencies, but the premise is the same. For example, a quote of EUR/JPY 127.95 signifies that one Euro is equal to 127.95 Japanese yen.

When trading FOREX you will often see a two-sided quote, consisting of a 'bid' and 'offer'. The 'bid' is the price at which you can sell the base currency (at the same time buying the counter currency). The 'ask' is the price at which you can buy the base currency (at the same time selling the counter currency).

When to Trade?

The question quite often comes up about when are the best times to trade? Everyone has their own ideas on what they think is the best time to trade, and quite often it depends on what type of system you are using. If you run a system that looks for trends, the best time for you would be different for a system looking for breakouts.

Rather than get into all that however (again just google "best forex trading times" for plenty of info on that) let's look at the best times to trade based on your experience instead.

A beginner, I would think, would be someone new to the forex markets, someone who has yet to fully develop their trading system, or, if they have, find it hard to maintain the discipline to stick to it no matter what. Some things that might identify a beginner trade could be:
Unaware of stop losses
Unsure of trend identification
Looking at one timeframe only (probably the 5M or 15M)
Quick to jump into a trade, slow to get out
Hazy on when to exit a profitable trade
Please don't think I am talking down to anyone, as some of the above applies to us all at times but these are things that I see encapsulate beginnner traders.

With those points in mind, the safest trading time would be one where:
The chances of big losses are low
You have time to think you trades through
There are some defineable trends to help you out in getting on the right side of the trade
Sharp, quick movements in the opposite direction to your trade aren't common
The markets can move so quickly, and any trade placed without a stop loss, is open to a sharp reversal and a big loss. Head out for a cup of tea, come back and your +10 could now be -50 by the time the kettle has boiled.

So when is the best time to trade based on the above? Well lets look it another way, what are the times where the above points are not met. My opinion? The opening of the different markets! There are three major markets to look out for, the Asian market, the European market and the US market. The opening and closing of these markets are often the most volatile, with sharp movements up and down with no apparent order quite often seen and many a beginner trader crying foul over a sharp reversal on their trade they have just been watching for the last hour.

Look at the above chart, this is a 15M chart from late last week of the EUR/USD. I have highlighted two areas, which is the opening of the European and US markets. Notice, how just before the opening of the price was slowly trending in one direction, but then, as the respective markets opened a sharp reversal sprung up in the opposite direction, taking with it many peoples profits I am sure, and spoiling many a traders tea. You find this espectially on the opening of Europe.

The best times for quiet, trending activity tends to be in the middle third of the trading sessions, the middle of the Asian session is a less volatile time, but can be too quiet for some. Approaching the opening of the European sessions, activity tends to pick up, but remember, be careful come opening time. I prefer the mid European session, but rarely get to trade it due to the time differences here in Australia, the mid US session can also be good but usually I am so buggered by that time, my decision making is shocking.

So pick what you prefer, if you are in it for a fast buck and don't care about making it a possible career, then opening and closing times can be right up your ally, but if you want to test out a system you are developing, look at the mid session times that suit you. Remember though news releases and data can effect everything, so always keep an eye out on the news anytime you trade.

Remember, this is not necessarily the most profitable time to trade in terms of pip movement, but while you are picking things up, minimising the chance of your account being wiped out is always a good idea.

I hope this helps someone, you can get the current times in the different areas by using this great little forex clock here. For my fellow countryfolk in Australia, below are the opening and closing times in AEST (thanks to aaron on Marketiva for these):

[AUS open 8:00am close 4:00pm]
[JYP open 10:00am close 6:00pm]
[EUR open 4:00pm close 12:00am]
[GBP open 5:00pm close 1:00am]
[USD open 10:00pm close 6:00am]

Ill leave it with a quote I read somewhere:

"Ametuers open the markets, professionals close them"

When To Exit

Welcome to another article, this time on when to exit a trade. When beginner traders start looking for that magic "make me a bucket load of cash" trading system, quite often the last thing thought about is their exit strategy. Usually the first and most important thing on a traders mind is when to enter a market, forgetting that you actually make bugger all money if you can't execute and exit as precisely as you entered.

There are three main scenarios that a trader will find themselves thinking of their exit:
A trade has moved as expected and they are in profit
A trade has moved opposite to what they expected, and they are in loss
A trade is dancing around the neutral zone of their trade
At first glance, you would think the easiest scenario of the three to exit under is number 1, i.e. when you are in profit, after all you are "cashing in" so how hard can it be. In fact, in reality all three can be as hard as each other. The reason?, like most things with trading, it comes to emotion. Below I have added the underlying emotions that might stop you closing a trade under these three scenarios:
A trade has moved as expected and they are in profit (GREED)
A trade has moved opposite to what they expected, and they are in loss (OPTIMISM)
A trade and dancing around the neutral zone of the trade (FEAR)
Let's look at them one by one.

Cannot close a profitable trade (Greed)

Everyone fights greed every day in life, always "wanting" rather than sticking to what you actually "need". It is part of a materialistic modern day culture that most of us are subject to. Trading is no different, and it is usually greed that can turn a nice logical, well planned and profitable trade into a losing one. When this happens, a trader reacts two ways, one, they are distraught at themselves for letting it all get away, or two, they tell themselves "well I was right with my prediction, the market just had it in for me".

Think of this, you set up a trade, monitor the setup closely, wait for the exact time to enter a trade, calculate your stop loss, your order is hit and you are in the trade. The price action moves beautifully, moving quickly towards your scantily thought about target (if you set one), and the sense of delight sends your brain into overdrive, working out the profits, imagining the ferrari soon to be in the drive-way, wondering if 2000 pips has ever been done in one day. This is when you know you are in some trouble, this is when greed has started to set in, you remove your profit target thinking "let's see how long this goes", you don't move your stop loss, cause you don't even contemplate that it might reverse, and you "go for the ride".

A common saying is "cut your losses, and let your profits run" (or something like that ;)), and it is a very good theory that should be followed. However, how do you ride your profits, without risking a reversal that you will undoubtedly put down to "a correction that will soon move back my way".

Personally I look at it this way:

Move your stop loss to break even or better as soon as is logically possible without risking being whipsawed out, that will ensure you will not lose money on the trade, ease the stress, and bring peace to the world (ok maybe not that). I take the view of never let a winning trade turn into a losing one so at least lock in 1 pip if it makes you feel better.
If the move was stronger that you anticipated, and you had a 20 pip profit target. Remove your profit target, and move your stop loss to the profit target as soon as possible. What you effectively have done is close your trade (because your stop loss is at your original target) and you are letting your profits run at the same time, two for the price of one, bargain!
Continue to follow the trade with your stop loss, and remember, 20 pips was your target, be satisfied with whatever you can get after that, but don't take any less. You can use one of the many trailing stop techniques to do this or look at the parabolic SAR indicator.
Cannot close a losing trade (Optimism)

I was tempted to use the word "Dillusion" for this one but felt perhaps that is a little harsh, you know the deal, you enter a trade, you set a 25 pip stop loss, the trade moves the wrong way and you are -20 on the trade, you look at the chart again frantically, and optimistically think "Oh of course ... I should have set the stop loss beyond that resistance level from the year 1967, what was I thinking" and you change your stop loss, making it -35. The price continues to move in the wrong direction, and you either cop a -35 pip loss instead of -20, or you remove your stop loss all together and spend the next week driving everyone nuts asking "will the EUR/USD go up?" to every trader in the chat room.

... Some may say, that they removed their stop loss and eventually, their -100 pips turned into +10, so there .. stick that up your jumper ...

What you do when you move a stop loss further away from entry, is completely change the ratio of the trade you entered. What was originally a 2:1 trade, i.e. your potential gain was twice as large as your potential loss, becomes a 1:1 trade, which is just asking for a margin call very quickly.

My advice on this? NEVER NEVER (I think that is pretty clear) move a stop loss further away from your entry, you can move it closer or break even if you wish, as this improves your risk/reward ratio, but never away. Some may say, that they removed their stop loss and eventually, their -100 pips turned into +10, so there .. stick that up your jumper ... the only problem is, that while they waited the week out waiting for the price to turn around (sometimes it never does .. look at the USD/JPY at the moment) they have tied up the entire margin, meaning they are locked out of many many more potentially profitable trades. So while you might end the week at +10, in the meantime other trades cut their losses at -20, entered 15 more trades in the week, and finished +100 for the week and at the same time learnt a hell of a lot more.

How to become a currency trader

If you are anything like me, you probably imagine that it is difficult to become a foreign currency trader. Perhaps there are rules, regulations and other hoops that have to be jumped through. Maybe you need large amounts of cash in order to get started.


Becoming a Forex currency trader is incredibly simple!

Get A Demo Account
As I beginner I'd suggest you sign up with Oanda. Not only do they have a good reputation but they offer other advantages for a beginning trader as well:
  • You can sign up for a live account with very little initial capital.

  • You can execute trades of just about any arbitrary (small) size.
Of course, you can start with a free demo account before getting a live account. Just about everyone will recommend you do so, including me. However, at some point you need to trade with real money to learn about the psychological aspects of trading.

So, that's what I did. I started with $100 in my account and was off to the markets. Sweet, I'm a forex trader!

Learning To Trade Foreign Exchange
If you have a demo account, enter some trades. See what happens. Then, after the results come in, search for information about what happened. You'll find some helpful advice in blogs, such as mine, as well as various tutorial and forum sites. I would suggest that you buy a book or two on forex trading, technical analysis and perhaps something concerning the attributes of successful traders.

However, with a few dollars on the table, I realize that now the more difficult process starts. Now that I have a few dollars on the table I'm ready to start learning the lessons of the trade. Frankly, I won't be able to trade realistically if I am not actually risking my own money, so I have to do it this way. Of course, for most people, $100 is not a big enough sum of money to be a hardship if lost anyway.

So, I'm just blathering because the markets are currently closed for their regular weekend respite. I'm sitting in a precarious position because I have some open trades on my account and there is no telling what shape the market will be in when Sunday evening rolls around. I may be lucky and end up way ahead or I may be unlucky and lose my initial $100 payment. Another potential lesson is looming...

Oh, I should mention, these days Forex trading with a reputable company is quite safe. While there are large risks and large rewards, my risks are essentially limited to the capital that I have put into my account. With wise strategies I can limit risks further, but as a beginner it is comforting to know that I can't lose more than I let sit in my account no matter how foolish a beginner mistake I might make.


I should stress that you could lose all the capital you put in your account, so do not start out with a large account with the idea that you will only conduct small trades. At the very least, create some sub-accounts and keep the majority of your capital out of harms way until you have blown up your play money account, learned a few lessons, and know how to protect your capital.

A Winning Forex Trading Philosophy

I'm starting to believe that being successful trading Forex has more to do with your philosophy than anything else.

You cannot trade based on how much money you want to make. You cannot trade based on how much money you need to make. This means that you can't push money into the market, desperately searching for opportunity, risking a large portion of your net asset value in the process.

You must trade lightly.

When you trade lightly, you simply let the market give you the returns that it is willing to relinquish to you. Quite simply, it is not a process of taking.

If you can change your mindset it will give you a lot of peace compared to the level of stress that many generate. Dip your toes into the market, following your strategy, with a level of investment that simply cannot begin to raise your blood pressure.

A little bit of market wisdom, developed with experience, combined with an appropriate philosophy will generate profits. I know that this is difficult to consider or even believe in today's rational calculating world, but the only way to win is to not fight the market. It is way too big for you.

Stop trying to generate winning positions and simply let the market give them to you.

Getting A forex Education

How many of us in the Forex market simply jumped in the market and started trading? I know that was my path. I tossed a few dollars in an account and figured losing it would be a paid lesson in how the markets work.

I can't say that this hasn't been a valuable path. I've learned some good lessons along the way:

  • it's important to let go of losses early so you have enough capital to sink your teeth into an opportunity that does work.
  • No indicator or strategy has all the answers -- stop looking for the holy grail of trading
  • The market can easily whipsaw you to tears if you aren't careful
  • If you place close stops they will often be taken out before the market goes your way
Really, the list of anecdotal learning is endless and difficult to put into words. However, I recognize that this isn't enough to make me a successful trader, though from time to time I'm starting to taste success. It's finally time for me to bite the bullet and learn more about trading.

No, don't worry, I'm not going to buy some stupid multi-thousand dollar Forex training course. That would be stupid. Forex trading is very related to trading in general and there is no shortage of information on either subject. To make a long story short I've purchased four books recently:
  • Currency Trading for Dummies
  • Swing Trading for Dummies
  • The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading
  • Technical Analysis for Dummies
All of these were available at a nearby bookstore -- so I didn't have to order something online and wait for delivery.

More importantly, let me list the credentials of the authors of the above books. Respectively, they are:
  • Mark Gallant: Chairman and founder, GAIN Capital Group. Brian Dolan: Chief currency strategist,
  • Omar Bassal, Head of Asset Management, NBK Capital
  • Jared Marinez, FXCHIEF and founder of The Market Traders Institute, Inc.
  • Barbara Rockefeller, International economist and trader
My advice? Never, ever, fail to look for the ideas of experts. Even if you don't agree with everything they say, which is appropriate, they should be able to increase your understanding and improve your own thinking.

I've had some days with a NAV appreciation of 10%, 20% or more. I'd like to have a lot more days like that... and I don't think that online sources created for the purpose of flogging affiliate commissions will do that for me.

U.S. Recession Slows, But Prior Quarter GDP Revised To Worst In 27 Years

The advance reading for 2Q U.S. GDP showed a 1.0% contraction which surpassed estimates of 1.5% but a revision of the 1Q reading to -6.4% from -5.5% showed that the recession was the deepest in 27 years. Despite the contraction slowing, the 1.2% decline in personal consumption will dim the outlook for future domestic growth.

The advance reading for 2Q U.S. GDP showed a 1.0% contraction which surpassed estimates of 1.5% but a revision of the 1Q reading to -6.4% from -5.5% showed that the recession was the deepest in 27 years. Despite the contraction slowing, the 1.2% decline in personal consumption will dim the outlook for future domestic growth. Additionally, the prior quarter’s initial reading of a 2.4% increase was revised lower to 0.6% as American continue to tighten their purse strings. Taking a closer look at the break down the only positive component that we saw was government spending which rose by 5.6% as the stimulus plan started to be distributed during the period, and we should continue seeing positive contributions in the future, considering that only 10-15% of the $787 billion has been allocated. Other positive signs were the sharp improvements in gross private investment (-50.5% to -20.4%) and exports (-29.9% to -7.0%). Regardless, the expectations that unemployment will continue to rise should continue to weigh on consumer spending which will make sustainable growth difficult to attain. Next week’s Non-Farm payroll release takes on even more significant meaning as more job losses could lead to a sharp reversal in risk appetite which has been the main driver of price action.


USD Weaker in New York But Yen Crosses Lower

It has been an interesting morning of trade in New York with the market extremely volatile following the economic releases but unsure as to the direction it wants to take. While equities are slightly firmer, currency carry trades have come off to reflect a notable divergence. Meanwhile, the USD has been offered with the Swisse leading the way against the greenback, followed by the Kiwi, Euro and Aussie. Although the headline reading for US GDP was better than expected, some downward revisions to the previous month, along with a much weaker personal consumption component left some traders with an unsettling feeling. Meanwhile, in Canada, headline GDP was weaker than forecast, with a downward revision also seen to the previous month. The only bright spot on the day came from Chicago PMI which managed to slightly better expectation. The IMF was back on the wires with a sluggish recovery call for the US economy despite some improved financial conditions. The IMF also stated that the USD was moderately overvalued. This follows a report from the same organization earlier in the week which also said the Euro was overvalued.


Usd/Cad Buy Recommendation Issued @1.0720

Usd/Cad: We have not abandoned our hopes of trying to get into this trade and will once again look to establish a long today on yet another dip. The downside pressure has been relentless with the market seemingly ignoring any oversold technical indicators in effort to see just how low we can go. We do however anticipate a major upside break in the near-term and at this point it is only a question of timing. As such, while we run the risk of potentially missing the move, we will continue to place our entry at lower levels using daily ATR analysis. Today, the projected low comes in by 1.0715 and we will look to get involved just ahead. STRATEGY: BUY @1.0720 FOR AN OPEN OBJECTIVE, STOP @1.0470. RECOMMENDATION TO BE REMOVED IF NOT TRIGGERED BY NY CLOSE ON FRIDAY.

US Economy Contracts 1% in Quarter 2

The U.S. economy contracted by 1% in Quarter 2 of 2009. However, this is a smaller contraction than expected. Analysts had expected more shrinkage in the economy, reports the Financial Times

Wall Street analysts were expecting a contraction of 1.5 per cent, but the downward revision from the original previous quarter estimate of a 5.5 per cent drop dampened optimism.

Even though it’s negative, we’re not seeing the horrendous numbers we saw earlier in the year or in early 2008,” said Brian Bethune, an economist at IHS Global Insight.

The news has stoked some optimism. Even though the Stock market opened lower, it has since moved into positive territory, heading higher as the news sinks in. The U.S. dollar, on the other hand, is moving lower.

Japan to cap forex margin

TOKYO (Agencies): Japan’s foreign exchange margin traders will have their leverage capped at 25 times collateral two years from now, the government said on Friday, a move that could curb retail investors’ zest for currency speculation. The Financial Services Agency said leverage would be capped at 50 times starting in August 2010, and at 25 times starting a year after that, in line with a proposal it unveiled in late May. That would be a big cut for some brokers who offer leverage of 400 times or more, and for margin brokers in general. Foreign exchange margin trading, which allows investors to make large bets with relatively small amounts of money, has boomed in the past few years as Japanese households, dissatisfied with puny interest rates at home, looked abroad for higher yields. In a sign of their growing clout, a Bank of Japan report said last year that foreign exchange margin trading in Japan may account for 10 percent of all yen spot trades conducted globally each day.

US Dollar Teetering on the Edge of the Abyss after a Better GDP Release?

It was an extremely dangerous way to end the week. The US dollar has held very close to general support for some time now; but the ante was upped when steady selling pressure pushed the single currency to its lowest close on a trade-weighted basis since September 30th. We can see the same level of intensity among the individual majors. EURUSD is just below its June highs of 1.4340 while GBPUSD managed to close at a nine-month high well above range resistance at 1.6600. Despite this tremendous pressure and the relative records, this is not a definitive bearish break for the greenback. When liquidity returns early Monday morning in the Asian session, speculators will immediately go back to work on trying to jump start the next major trend. For those that have dollar exposure or are waiting for the dollar to make its move, it will be an open not to be missed.

How did we come to this point? When did the dollar’s feeble attempts to rebound from its lows give way? The currency fell 1.2 percent through Friday’s session - the largest decline and absolute move since June 23rd - following the release of what at first glance seemed to be a better-than-expected outcome for the advance reading of second quarter growth. The Bloomberg consensus was projecting a tempered 1.5 percent pace of annualized contraction following what was initially a multi-decade, 5.5 percent plunge. Given this benchmark, the 1.0 percent decline that crossed the wires seemed to be a big step closer to realizing expectations for the inevitable return of positive growth. However, just below the surface, the cracks were clearly visible. The peak of the recession marked by the previous quarter was distended to a 6.4 percent malaise that matched the worst the world’s largest economy had seen since 1980. What is far more disconcerting (but not yet fully appreciated) is that the foundation for this recovery is unstable. Of all the major categories of economic activity, only government spending was rising. Personal consumption dropped 1.2 percent, exports 7 percent and private investment 20.4 percent. Fiscal stimulus is already reaching its limits and the cries to reign in aid and work down the deficit are growing louder. Without consumer spending (which accounts for approximately 70 percent of activity), the economy will not easily be able to recover on its own power. Expect to see the terms ‘L’ and ‘W’-shaped recession used more often.

The long-term outlook is highly uncertain and certainly bearish; but come next week, market participants may not immediately be concerned with underlying trends. With the dollar backed up to a technical wall, speculators will look to either force a break or offer a modest relief rebound first thing. The longer the currency holds to its technical floor, the more violent the eventual market shift could ultimately be. There is plenty of event risk on the docket; but its influence on the critical decision of breakout or reversal is likely low. ISM manufacturing and service sector surveys, consumer credit, personal spending and income are all notable indicators; but the NFPs once again holds the greatest clout. There are many indicators that hint at stabilization and eventual recovery; but none are as truly influential and accurate as the monthly payrolls report.

Dollar retreats as shares rally

TOKYO (Agencies): The dollar retreated in Asian trade Friday as a rally in global shares and metal prices encouraged investors to snap up riskier currencies that are closely tied to volatile commodities markets. The dollar slipped to 95.43 yen in Tokyo morning trade from 95.51 in New York late Thursday. The euro firmed to 1.4084 dollars from 1.4063 and to 134.40 yen from 134.33. Global stock market gains and a jump in industrial metals prices drove up the currencies of countries whose economies rely heavily on exports of commodities, such as the Canadian, Australian and New Zealand dollars. The bounce in markets "reflected growing confidence in an economic recovery," NAB Capital strategist John Kyriakopoulos wrote in a note. "Improved investor risk appetite weighed on the 'safe haven' US dollar and yen," he added. Risk aversion eased after Wall Street powered higher on upbeat corporate earnings results and a broker upgrade of General Electric, propelling the main indexes to fresh 2009 highs. Barclays Capital analysts said that risk sentiment would remain the dominant driver of the commodity currencies, but upcoming Chinese and US factory data and American jobs numbers risk taking the steam out of the market. Investors were looking ahead to US second-quarter gross domestic product (GDP) figures due later Friday. New claims for unemployment benefits in the United States rose in the past week to 584,000, according to a weekly government update that nonetheless showed some signs of improvement in a weak labour market.

US & Canada

The US Q2 2009 GDP declined at a less-than-expected 1.0% q/q annualized rate after a downwardly revised 6.4% q/q contraction in Q1, according to advance Q2 GDP data released by the Commerce Department. The Q2 GDP shrank 3.9% y/y, the largest drop for any year in the post-WWII era. The largest negative drags on the Q2 GDP were business investment, personal consumption, home building, and inventories. The Q2 personal consumption declined at a more-than-expected 1.2% q/q annualized pace after Q1's 0.6% q/q increase. The strongest components of the Q2 GDP were international trade, which added 1.4 percentage points to the GDP growth rate, and government spending, which added 1.1 points. The GDP price index was up at a 0.2% q/q annualized rate in Q2, up 1.5% y/y.

US employment costs rose a slightly more-than-expected 0.4% q/q in Q2 2009 after a record-low 0.3% q/q increase in Q1, according to a Labor Department report.

The Chicago business barometer increased to 43.4 in July, slightly more than our forecast and the highest reading since September 2008, from 39.9 in June, indicating the rate of contraction in business activity slowed this month, according to the Chicago Report by Kingsbury International, Ltd. and the Institute for Supply Management – Chicago, Inc. The production index increased to 43.3 in July from 39.3 in June; the new orders index rose to 48.0 from June's 41.6; the employment rate of decline slowed; the inventories index was at 25.4, the lowest reading since mid-1949; and the price paid and order backlog indexes declined, according to the Chicago report.

Canada's GDP fell a more-than-expected 0.5% m/m in May, a tenth consecutive month-on-month contraction, after a downwardly revised 0.2% m/m decline in April, data from Statistics Canada showed. The GDP dropped 3.5% y/y in May, the largest contraction since October 1982.

Central Bank dollar holdings - good for gold, bad for dollar?

The latest figures from the US Department of the Treasury show not only how the US liabilities to other central banks have rocketed by 31% over the eleven months to May, but also that the balance of the maturities of these liabilities is shifting towards the short end as major counterparties increase their flexibility and de facto demonstrate their increasing levels of concern about over-exposure to the dollar. The primary reason for the shift has been a massive absolute increase in short-dated instruments and a much smaller change in the longer-dated instruments, suggesting that a good part of the shift has been as a result of the QE exercises.

This is, in principle, good for gold, not because it implies an outright reweighting towards gold in major nations' foreign exchange holdings, as that would be wholly unfeasible and market-disruptive, but because a potential erosion in global dollar confidence and a reluctance to retain dollar exposure almost always leads to increased willingness to invest in gold as a hedge not just against the dollar, but more partially as a hedge against risk and uncertainty.

In June 2008, the US' total foreign liabilities to the official sector amounted to $1.7 trillion, with Japan the largest holder at 36% of total and China holding 36%. Among individual nations (i.e. stripping out both oil-exporting bloc and Caribbean banking centres with 13% between them) the next largest three were Brazil (6%), Luxembourg (4%) and Russia (4%). Since then the picture has changed. China overtook Japan as the world's largest holder in September 2008 with a huge leap from $574 Bn to $618 Bn and by May 2009 Chinese holdings in these instruments were $802 Bn, with Japan holding $677 Bn and the UK, which shot into third position with $164 Bn. In fact the UK's holdings tripled over the period.

The current pecking order, then, is China with 35% of total, followed by Japan (30%), the UK (7%), Brazil (5%) and Russia (5%) with the five between them accounting for 83% of total.

In June 2008 China's short-dated US holdings amounted to $15.2 billion, or just t3% of total. By end-May they had shot up to $210 Bn, or 26% of total, which is also the proportion held by the world as a whole. Russia is maintaining the most flexibility with 49% of its exposure in short-dated instruments ($61 Bn) and Brazil's short-dated balance is now 8% against 1% in June 2008. Japan and the UK have maintained broadly unchanged structures over the period and have continued to increase their longer-dated holdings. China, Russia and Brazil have been more reluctant to add to their longer-dated instruments.

So what does this signify? It is well-documented that Chinese politicians and bankers have been regularly expressing concern over dollar-heavy exposure and have recently been espousing an increased role for the SDR in the international system; it would seem that they are putting their gearing up for - or are already implementing - shifts in the balance of their international assets, although as always with central bankers the moves are likely to be gradual.

The trigger may be in 2011 when the voting powers of the IMF members are up for adjustment and there is a widespread push for the new voting tariffs more accurately to reflect international economic power. This may well also be the time when, if it comes about, the structure of the SDR is changed.

Although as noted above none of this necessarily signifies a major tonnage shift towards gold, it may herald a fresh shift in sentiment with respect to the implications for the dollar's role in the system. This is almost bound to lead to gold sustaining a yet higher profile, if only in the debate about reserve currencies and their relative merits.

Meanwhile the IMF is discussing the likely mechanics of the sale of those much-discussed 403.3 tonnes of gold that it is proposing to sell to aid the international funding process. The vote is likely to be taken in September, but with the new Central Bank Gold Agreement also under negotiation and due for implementation on 27th September this year, the logistics are likely to be decided before then. It is not yet known whether the IMF will become a signatory to the next CBGA or whether it will take up an existing allocation from other signatories with no large-scale sales intentions, but it has been made abundantly clear that any such sale fron the Fund is expected to be under the auspices of a CBGA.

And it is perfectly possible that it may all yet go out in an off-market transaction to another central bank or banks.

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Gold & US Dollar Tactics

  1. The competition. You are long the Euro against USD. You are buying the Euro every 1 point down and selling every 3 up, with your trading position. Picture this situation: the euro rises 2 points from your buy, but then it looks bad. You get a sense of great discomfort, after reading a rumour that Goldman Sachs has apparently gone short the Euro, just as you’ve gone long! You think, “should I book profit now and outsmart my pre-set profit taking points?”

  2. Now let’s look at “you” again. In the same situation. Only this time you are also short the euro in another account. Now the mental stress is off. You can wait for either the long or short position to hit it’s profit taking mark.

  3. I already know your next question. It is: “OK, stewart, but how do I make money with this? What I’m making on one position, I’m losing on the other!”

  4. Not so fast Sherlock….Yes, you are long and short at the same time, and at the same price entry points. But not in the same trade size.

  5. This is exactly how the bankers operate. If gold is around 940, you can begin a buy and short program, both at 940, but the dollar value of the long positions must be greater than the short dollar value of the corresponding positions. I go into more detail on the ratios below.

  6. Technical indicators can be of great assistance to you in setting up your buy/sell programs. Focus on general indications more than precise “buy” or “sell” points. Focus on a general 70% long exposure to any major mkt you target, so your buys are generally bigger than your sells. The overall long position must remain bigger than the short position 100% of the time, in all gold bull mkts.

  7. I want to look at a couple of scenarios to build your positions. But rather than focusing on the euro, I want to focus on gold and the US dollar. With an eye to building a 70% long gold and 30% long US dollar. Here’s the weekly chart of the USD. It’s very oversold, so it could be an interesting time to look at working on USD with a professional pyramid buy program.
  8. Just as I layer or “ladder” into positions in a technical pyramid formation, I use technical indicators the same way. Above you can see the 3 series of RSI all oversold, with the 4 series showing a possible upturn. The stochastics series are deeply oversold.

  9. Here’s a second look at the chart, with the longer term MACD and TRIX indicators. Take a close look at the 4,8,9 series and the 7,14,9 series for MACD. They have already moved to buy signals. So has the 5,9 Trix. Notice how close price is to the green Keltner demand line. The keltner lines are like green river banks on the “price river”.
  10. The key here is this, and this takes a touch of thought:

  11. A USD buy signal is not a Gold sell signal. You sell gold ONLY to take profit on it, and do so into strength at a higher price than you paid. Not at a loss because the USD gives a buy signal. A USD buy signal is what it is: A signal to buy the USD and nothing else.

  12. You could go for 70% long gold and 30% short gold, but that is far riskier than 70% gold, 30% USD. Remember, the 70% refers to a 70% maximum risk capital allocation to long gold positions, of a 100% “risk pot”.

  13. I allocated aprox 1/3 of my gold risk capital to an inner gold core position, or about 30%. Any gold short positions I enter should never put me net short gold in a bull mkt. Not even close.

  14. In practice, I rarely exceed 1/3 of my actual metals positions with shorts AND USD long positions combined, and if I do, it’s maybe by a couple of percentage points. I’m interested in making a real profit from the rises and falls in gold, but not in attempting to make all the theoretical money that can be made from a mkt swing.

  15. Here’s the gold weekly chart, via IAU-n, the comex gold bullion ETF:

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Zealand Sees Positive Results In Forex Market

In terms of day-to-day trading, the average turnover on New Zealand's forex market has expanded to thirteen billion dollars from 7.5 billion dollars in 2004 and 4.2 billion dollars in 2001. This information was provided by the Bank of International Settlements as they gave their most recent triennial survey.
Grant Spencer, the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank mentioned that roughly fifteen percent of the rise was a result of the increasing value of the New Zealand dollar. Another contributing factor was the rise in transaction volume.
The triennial survey was taken for fifty four central banks and monetary authorities across the globe and it was taken during April of this year. It also displayed the progress of New Zealand's 4 largest banks. The seventy five percent gain in New Zealand market turnover overshadowed the seventy one percent rate of gain in worldwide turnover during the time span, but the local market continues to be a small part of the total 3.2 trillion dollar daily turnover on a global scale.

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New Zealand Sees Positive Results In Forex Market

In terms of day-to-day trading, the average turnover on New Zealand's forex market has expanded to thirteen billion dollars from 7.5 billion dollars in 2004 and 4.2 billion dollars in 2001. This information was provided by the Bank of International Settlements as they gave their most recent triennial survey.
Grant Spencer, the Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank mentioned that roughly fifteen percent of the rise was a result of the increasing value of the New Zealand dollar. Another contributing factor was the rise in transaction volume.
The triennial survey was taken for fifty four central banks and monetary authorities across the globe and it was taken during April of this year. It also displayed the progress of New Zealand's 4 largest banks. The seventy five percent gain in New Zealand market turnover overshadowed the seventy one percent rate of gain in worldwide turnover during the time span, but the local market continues to be a small part of the total 3.2 trillion dollar daily turnover on a global scale.

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